
Cabin porn.

I am so lucky to have been born into a family with a cabin.  Our property in British Columbia’s Gulf Islands is, without a doubt, my happy place.  Unfortunately, it’s not somewhere you can visit for an hour or two when the urge comes over you – it’s a small effort to get there, and visits in the winter months are rare.

On days like today when the sun shines in the city, I often imagine how great it would be to be able to transport myself to the cabin.  Until I figure out how to do that, I have Cabin Porn – a gorgeous website featuring cabins from all over the world.  If you know of better daydream fodder, you’ve got me beat.

A few favourites from the site:

This cabin at Lake Louise in Banff National Park


This cozy cabin in Sweden, complete with an indoor hammock (genius!):


And, closest to home, this tree cabin in British Columbia.
